Ghost Roads Bluffton | Facts | Save Bluffton | Private Roads

Bluffton State of Mind Project

Facts about Ghost Roads in Bluffton

1) Town voted 4-1 on 4/11 to start legal proceedings to clear title for future public use of private rights of way without calling for a community discussion or their input.

2)1 person had to find out through their council contacts that they were to have a vote on moving forward since the quit claims were not in line with property owner’s expectations of future cost, liability and whether the town would be responsible for any problems arising in the future.

3)incorrectly represented that all Pritchard St quit claims were made by residents. Not true. At least 2 did not sign. One was forced to or else they would have to come out of pocket

4) Septic systems are not the large contributors of pollution. It’s the unchecked growth perpetuated by Beaufort County and the Town of Bluffton.

5) Town council often speak as if they represent the town and it’s staff, not the citizens.

Interesting Read from the 90s! – WALL ST ARTICLE 90’s

Roads Bluffton

Facts about Ghost Roads Bluffton

Let it be known that these quiet pockets, dead end roads or private driveway acquisitions are not about bringing sewer for which we are all grateful. These small sanctuaries will no doubt be turned into parks and pathways for the masses. This erodes the very thing we all cherish, our rights to peaceful enjoyment which many advocated for in the very beginning in anticipation of this growth. Over 160% population increase. Where is the wildlife supposed to go? Now that the town owns Wright Family Park (just two properties over from ours) having acquired it with “rural and critical land funds” they will turn it into town offices and a venue. They’ve already expanded the town dock, added parking and took out all of the heirloom shrubs. Why is this money going to construction projects?? #thisisnottheblufftonway #blufftontowncrier
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